Gheza, D., Kool, W., & Pourtois, G. (2023). Need for cognition moderates the relief of avoiding cognitive effort. PLoS ONE 18(11): e0287954. - Gheza_PlosOne2023.pdf
Yang, Q., Si, S., & Pourtois, G. (2023). Parsing the contributions of negative affect vs. aversive motivation to cognitive control: An experimental investigation. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 17:1209824. - Yang_Frontiers2023.pdf
Yang, Q., Xing, X., Braem, S., & Pourtois, G. (2022). The selective use of punishments on congruent versus incongruent trials in the Stroop task. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 193:107654. - Yang_NLM2022.pdf
Yang, Q., & Pourtois, G. (2022). Modulation of conflict processing by reappraisal: An experimental investigation. Brain Sciences, 12(5):564. - Yang&Pourtois_BrSci2022.pdf
Wurm, F., Walentowska, W., Ernst, B., Severo, M.-C., Pourtois, G., & Steinhauser, M. (2022). Task learnability modulates surprise but not valence processing for reinforcement learning in probabilistic choice tasks. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 34(1):34-53. - Wurm_JoCN2022.pdf
Dukes, D., Abrams, K., [...] Sander, D. (2021). The rise of affectivism. Nature Human Behavior, 5(7):816-820. - Dukes_NHB2021.pdf
Gable, P.A., Paul, K., Pourtois, G., & Burgdorf, J. (2021). Utilizing Electroencephalography (EEG) to Investigate Positive Affect. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 39:190–195. - Gable_COBS2021.pdf
Yang, Q., & Pourtois, G. (2022). Reduced flexibility of cognitive control: reactive, but not proactive control, underpins the congruency sequence effect. Psychological Research, 86(2):474-484. - Yang&Pourtois_PsycholRes2021.pdf
Denervaud, S., Hess, A., Sander, D., & Pourtois, G. (2021). Children’s automatic evaluation of self-generated actions is different from adults. Developmental Science, 24(3), e13045. - Denervaudetal._DevScience2020.pdf
Pourtois, G., Braem, S., Notebaert, W., & van Steenbergen, H. (2020). What is cognitive control without affect? International Journal of Psychophysiology 153, 91-94. - Pourtoisetal_SI_IntPsychophysiol2020.pdf
Severo, M.C., Paul, K., Walentowska, W., Moors, A., & Pourtois, G. (2020). Neurophysiological evidence for evaluative feedback processing depending on goal relevance. Neuroimage; 215:116857. - Severo_Neuroimage2020.pdf
Paul, K., Pourtois, G., & Harmon-Jones, E. (2020). Modulatory effects of positive mood and approach motivation on reward processing: Two sides of the same coin? Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 20(2):236-249. - Paul_CABN2020.pdf
Paul, K., Vassena, E., Severo, M.C., & Pourtois, G. (2020). Dissociable effects of reward magnitude on fronto-medial theta and FRN during performance monitoring. Psychophysiology, 57(2):e13481. - Paul_et_al-2019-Psychophysiology.pdf
Yang, Q., Paul, K., & Pourtois, G. (2019). Defensive motivation increases conflict adaptation through local changes in cognitive control: evidence from ERPs and mid-frontal theta. Biological Psychology, 148:107738. - Yang_BiolPsy2019.pdf
Walentowska, W., Severo, M.C., Moors, A., & Pourtois, G. (2019). When the outcome is different than expected: Subjective expectancy shapes reward prediction error at the FRN level. Psychophysiology, 56(12):e13456. - Walentowska_et_al-2019-Psychophysiology-pages-deleted.pdf
Gheza, D., Bakic, J., Baeken, C., De Raedt, R., & Pourtois, G. (2019). Abnormal approach-related motivation but spared reinforcement learning in MDD: evidence from fronto-midline Theta oscillations and frontal Alpha asymmetry. Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience 19(3), 759-777. - Gheza_MDD_CABN2019.pdf
Severo, M.C., Walentowska, W., Moors, A., & Pourtois, G. (2018). Goals matter: amplification of the motivational significance of the feedback when goal impact is increased. Brain and Cognition 128:56-72. - Severo_goalimpact_Brain&Cognition2018.pdf
Yang, Q., Notebaert, W., & Pourtois, G. (2019). Reappraising cognitive control: normal reactive adjustments following conflict processing are abolished by proactive emotion regulation. Psychological Research 83(1):1-12. - Yang_ReappraisingCC_PsycRes2019.pdf
Gheza, D., De Raedt, R., Baeken, C., & Pourtois, G. (2018). Integration of reward with cost anticipation during performance monitoring revealed by ERPs and EEG spectral perturbations. Neuroimage 173:153-164. - Gheza_Neuroimage2018.pdf
Yang, Q., & Pourtois, G. (2018). Conflict-driven adaptive control is enhanced by integral negative emotion on a short time scale. Cognition and Emotion 32(8), 1637-1653. - Yang&Pourtois_Cog&Emo2018.pdf
Gheza, D., Paul, K., & Pourtois, G. (2018). Dissociable effects of reward and expectancy during evaluative feedback processing revealed by topographic ERP mapping analysis. International Journal of Psychophysiology 132 (Part B), 213-225. - Gheza_IJP2018.pdf
Walentowska, W., Paul, K., Severo, M.C., Moors, A., & Pourtois, G. (2018). Relevance and uncertainty jointly influence reward anticipation at the level of the SPN ERP component. International Journal of Psychophysiology 132 (Part B), 287-297. - Walentowska_IJP2018.pdf
Severo, M.C., Walentowska, W., Moors, A., & Pourtois, G. (2017). Goal impact influences the evaluative component of performance monitoring: evidence from ERPs. Biological Psychology, 129:90-102. - Severo_BiolPsy2017.pdf
Paul, K., & Pourtois, G. (2017). Mood congruent tuning of reward expectation in positive mood. Evidence from FRN & theta modulations. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 12(5):765-774. - Paul_SCAN2017.pdf
Pourtois, G., Vanlessen, N., Bakic, J., & Paul, K. (2017). Modulatory effects of positive mood on cognition: lessons from attention and error monitoring. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 26(6), 495-501. - Pourtois_CDPS2017.pdf
Paul, K., Walentowska, W., Bakic, J., Dondaine, T., & Pourtois, G. (2017). Modulatory effects of happy mood on performance monitoring: Insights from error-related brain potentials. Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 17(1):106-123. - Katharina_CABN2016.pdf
Bakic, J., Pourtois, G., Jepma, M., Duprat, R., De Raedt, R., & Baeken, C. (2017). Spared internal but impaired external reward prediction error signals in Major Depressive Disorder during reinforcement learning. Depression and Anxiety, 34(1):89-96. - Bakic_DA2016.pdf
Walentowska, W., Moors, A., Paul, K., & Pourtois, G. (2016). Goal relevance influences performance monitoring at the level of the FRN and P3 components. Psychophysiology, 53(7):1020-33. - Wiola_FRN_Psychophysiology2016.pdf
De Saedeleer, L., & Pourtois, G. (2016). Evaluative priming reveals dissociable effects of cognitive vs. physiological anxiety on action monitoring. Emotion, 16(4):498-514. - Lien_Emotion2016.pdf
Godefroid, E., Pourtois, G., & Wiersema, R.J. (2016). Joint effects of sensory feedback and interoceptive awareness on conscious error detection: evidence from event related brain potentials. Biological Psychology 114:49-60. - Godefroid_BiolPsy2016.pdf
Bakic, J., De Raedt, R., Jepma, M., & Pourtois, G. (2015). What is in the feedback? Effect of induced happiness vs. sadness on probabilistic learning with vs. without exploration. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:584. (doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00584) - Bakic_FHN2015.pdf
Vanlessen, N., De Raedt, R., Mueller, S.C., Rossi, V., & Pourtois, G. (2015). Happy and less inhibited? Effects of positive mood on inhibitory control during an antisaccade task revealed using topographic evoked potential mapping. Biological Psychology,110:190-200. - Vanlessen_BiolPsy2015.pdf
Bakic, J., Jepma, M., De Raedt, R., & Pourtois, G. (2014). Effects of positive mood on probabilistic learning: behavioral and electrophysiological correlates. Biological Psychology, 103C:223-232. - Bakic_BiolPsy2014 (2).pdf
Rigoni, D., Pourtois, G., & Brass, M. (2015). Why should I care? Challenging free will attenuates neural reaction to errors. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 10(2):262-8. - Rigoni_SCAN2015.pdf
Koban, L., & Pourtois, G. (2014). Brain systems underlying the affective and social monitoring of actions: an integrative review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 46P1:71-84. - Koban_NBR2014.pdf
Roger, C., Núñez Castellar, E., Pourtois, G., & Fias, W. (2014). Changing your mind before it is too late: the electrophysiological correlates of online error correction during response selection. Psychophysiology, 51(8):746-60. - Roger_Psychophysiol2014.pdf
Vanderhasselt, M.A., De Raedt, R., De Paepe, A., Aarts, K., Otte, G., Van Dorpe, J., & Pourtois, G. (2014). Abnormal proactive and reactive cognitive control during conflict processing in major depression. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 123(1), 68-80. - Vanderhasselt_JABN2014.pdf
Aarts, K., Vanderhasselt, M.A., Otte, G., Baeken, C., & Pourtois, G. (2013). Electrical brain imaging reveals the expression and timing of altered error monitoring functions in major depression. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122(4):939-50. - Aarts_JAbnormalPsy2013.pdf
Aarts, K., De Houwer, J., & Pourtois, G. (2013). Erroneous and correct actions have a different affective valence: Evidence from ERPs. Emotion, 13(5):960-73. - Aarts_Emotion2013.pdf
Aarts, K., De Houwer, J., & Pourtois, G. (2012). Evidence for the automatic evaluation of self-generated actions. Cognition, 124:117–127. - Aarts_Cognition2012.pdf
Aarts, K., & Pourtois, G. (2012). Anxiety disrupts the evaluative component of performance monitoring: An ERP study. Neuropsychologia, 50, 1286– 1296. - Aarts_Ngia2012.pdf